Wednesday, December 30, 2015


     Women today are historically unlike any of her predecessors as our focus is on independence and individuality. In a high-tech society the world is at our fingertips. We have the ability to change everything from a stock portfolio to a couch cover with the click of a mouse yet within our lives we are losing the vision of destiny and purpose that was designed for us since the beginning of time.
     Although times and values have changed, God's purpose for you has not. Your age is of no consequence in God's Kingdom either. Some of you think you're too old to be of value, but it is quite the opposite. You've had to travel a lot miles to gain the experience and maturity needed to do what you need to so embrace the beauty and maturity you have. If you don't love you, you cannot love anyone else. Single or married, children or no children, God has a purpose for your life. You just need to be willing and obedient to His call. When you cultivate a relationship with Him, you're able to see everything in your life differently. He won't let you down. Your husband or boyfriend might, and your kids may drive you nuts, but there is a Peace that will help you through it all. His Grace is sufficient for you.
     You know there is something for you but you can't put your finger on it. Well, it's destiny calling. God seems a million miles away from your daily regimen; between changing the diapers, washing dishes or being in the boardroom you're distracted and just do not have time. But that nagging down within you won't go away. What you're fighting, is God wanting to position you where you need to be. He is ready to move you into a new realm of liberty that will empower and impart excellence into every facet of your life. What do you need to do you ask? Thought you'd never need to begin to: 


Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. Mark 11:24-25 (NIV)

  Trust in the Lord with all your heart
   and lean not on your own understanding;
  in all your ways submit to him,
   and he will make your paths straight. Prov 3:5-6 (NIV)


 Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
  as much as in obeying the LordTo obey is better than sacrifice,
  and to heed is better than the fat of rams. 1 Samuel 15:22 (NIV)


   I will listen to what God the Lord says;
    he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants—
    but let them not turn to folly. Psalm 85:8 (NIV)


Surrender your heart to God, turn to him in prayer,
14 and give up your sins—even those you do in secret.
15 Then you won’t be ashamed; you will be confident
and fearless. Job 11:13-15 (CEV)

I realize this seems very simplistic in a pessimistic world. But I love seeing God's Supernatural work in the natural. Faith and belief are ACTION words. You cannot not do something and expect Him to do everything. YOU CAN DO THIS! I have faith that you will. Will you experience trials and tribulation? Of course you will, but He gives you the strength.

Do me a favor. No matter what, never give up. Never listen to naysayers, they are hurting inside too. If people speak against you, so what, you don't need their opinions to validate who you are as a person.

Take action, take that 100% leap of faith and see what He will do for you.

Success is a heart matter, so posture God's way...Ninja Hugs! ~M

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Obviously it has been quite awhile since I have posted on here. As with everyone else, life happens.We think that we make plans, but God's plan isn't always ours.
I had stepped away from writing for whatever reason, but it boils down to the season I am in.
Thank goodness I didn't actually publish some of the things I was writing! That season in my life was not a good one!
For two years, I have been battling "hell" in a personal way...if you had a child with cancer you would be too. Just sayin'.
However, with the many changes going on, I'm actually to a point where I will be doing some writing, and I believe it is boiling down to a historical novel I began 4 years ago. 
It is a Time Travel romance, yet it will deal with 21st Century issues and problems, just smack dab in the middle of the past.
Also, I've been asked about "Avery" from "The Arena"...she is shelved for the moment but I see her story developing at some point.
Anyway, I was checking in to let you all know that I did not forget you and I am looking forward to getting some writing done.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year.
2015 is the year of Manifestation! God has promised you things, and it's time to see things come to pass.
Ninja Hugs! 

Friday, December 13, 2013


I've been a little busy these days, but installment #3 of The Arena is right around the corner! I'm not sure where Avery is headed just yet, but you can bet she's in for some trouble!
I remember being that age too. My parents were not like Avery's and my childhood was less than perfect. But I will say this, if I could have my mom back that would be the best gift ever. I have to wait until Jesus comes back, but that's okay. Avery, well, she's going to have to wait longer than that.
Well peeps, talk to ya soon!

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Many people want to change the world. Cool, great. So do I. But let me ask you this. Why? What do you have to contribute to humanity? Is it through a good book? Movie? Blog? What? 
For sure all of the above has changed our world in one way or another whether good, bad or indifferent.
But what's been going through my mind is this. You want to set the world on fire and "make a difference", but you can't make a difference in your own household.
You want to know what changes the world? First off...your life. How you live it from the inside out. Secondly, the bi-product of that life that is an example to your kids, grandkids, co-workers, etc. 
Changing the world is a wonderful thing. But let me ask, are you SELFLESS enough to do it? Is Honor, Integrity, Loyalty and Courage the fabric of your character? 
Do the people around you know you for being self-centered and shallow? Or do they see someone who walks humbly yet strong, non-judgmental of others, giving, able to get past your own dysfunction and critical ways?
Changing the world in a manner that is productive to humanity starts with knowing yourself on a "soulular" level. And if you do not like what you see, then let the Lord change it. 
Next, success. Hmmm. Success isn't the amount of money you have in your bank account. Success is right character and your kids or those that know you looking up to you because you took time building into them. Success is being able to look in the mirror at yourself and knowing you've done the right things for the right reasons. Success is getting past yourself and seeing others through the eyes of forgiveness and wisdom. And those are just a few things.
How many of our young people have parents who are working constantly to make a buck instead of taking five minutes to sit and just chat with their kids. Do your kids see you living an upright life at home? Or do they look at you with a jaded sense of "is that what adulthood is all about?"
Changing the world eh? 
Is the end result of your endeavor money? Fame? Let me ask you this. Would you still want to change the world if it didn't make you a dime and you never made it on the best seller list?
Success is not all "good looks" either. That's called genes. Not hard work. I agree with something "Chris" Ashton Kutcher said recently..."The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart. And being thoughtful. And being generous. Everything else is crap!" 
Looks fade and withers over time like a lot of things do. When you rely on external things to validate your individuality, you don't have much. Just sayin'. And when other people's opinion validates you, you have serious issues.
Book of Monua says, embrace who God made you to be, then help others along the way.
Everyone has a destiny and a purpose...fulfill it.
Just a thought... ~M

Friday, November 29, 2013

I hope all of you had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
I, along with many others suffered from a turkey coma LOL! Good food, good company...that's a true blessing. Even though I wasn't able to be with a few people I hold dear, the day was still super.
2013 has passed so quickly! Hard to believe Christmas is only weeks away. So many things to do and so many things can happen in between. For me, I am refusing to get caught up in the craziness of the masses at the mall. Life has too many important things to be concerned about; and besides, sitting at my fave coffee place writing a blog with a great cup of joe does it for me. It also keeps me halfway sane in an insane world. Come on, you 'd love to be doing the same thing so just chill.
Now, back to The Arena.
After two segments, it's amazing to me the questions and speculations about what is to come. 
Although Avery is a fictional character, she may remind you of someone you know or know of. That's what stories are all about. Even if the story is fiction there is usually a little truth to them. A good story keeps the questions going :)
I hope to publish another installment soon (because I'm not exactly sure the twists and turns to come). This is a "shoot from the hip" story; okay, my author friends would probably call me crazy...but then again I'm not exactly conventional am I?
Well peeps, until the next time, have a super and safe weekend.

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Arena - Christmas Eve Monua Cary 2013 Copyright

My brain is revved up these days about writing. Although I may not be very good at it, there is always room for storytelling. To each his own I suppose.
This particular story started about 30+ years ago in one form or another. A little over a decade ago I put together one page. So here we are. Where do I go from here who knows; it is what it is.
Again, this is going to be in here is another "Piece"...enjoy.

The Arena
Monua Cary

Christmas Eve

As boring as home life was on a regular basis, today took the absolute cake Avery thought. Boring boring boring! If she could shout it from every corner of the house she would! “My family is so lame!” Avery’s thoughts screamed. Restriction sucks regardless of why, she thought as she paced the floor in her bedroom. The walls seemed to close in around her. Kicking the clothes that laid precariously on the floor, she took little satisfaction as they hurled through the air and silently into the far wall.
“Avery, you know you were wrong in not telling us you went to Bryan’s house without our permission. It isn’t proper for a young lady. In my day..” “I don’t care what you did in your day!” Avery screamed at her mother. “I’m not a kid anymore! You and dad just don’t want me to have a life! I’m tired of you guys controlling my life! I hate you!” turning, she stormed down the hall to her room. Life was just so unfair! Bryan was her best friend and he always had her back. Up until today that is. His dad was the deacon in the church, and no matter what Bryan did, his dad always took up for him. Bryan could get by with murder and his dad would smooth it over. So when they got caught at his house alone without his parents knowing, and of course her mom definitely not knowing, all hell broke loose. Okay, maybe the vodka bottle and glasses on the table along with a little weed was wrong, but hey, it’s our life right? We’re young adults and perfectly able to take care of our own business! Righhhhhtttt. So what does Bryan do? That weasel tells his dad it was my idea! “NOW I’m GROUNDED and my life is OVER!” she yelled to Bryan from her moms’ cell phone, which she conveniently swiped in her tirade down the hall to her room. “Don’t be such a girl Avery, it will all blow over and everything will be back to normal. I’ll talk to my dad and he’ll talk to your dad, and voila! All done.”
“Dude, you have no idea what you’ve done! My mom will KEEP me grounded til I graduate! You threw me under the freakin’ bus man, and I’m really ticked off! How could you do that to me?” “Avery listen, It’s all ok, okay? Trust me chica, have I ever not come through?” Bryan was smooth, and Avery couldn’t resist his charm. He was her best friend after all, and yeah he messed up sometimes, but things got fixed one way or another. His dad also had clout at church and so maybe things would get patched up soon. He’d talk to her parents. But there was that nagging thought about mom. Mom meant what she said and restriction meant just that…no life for who knows how long! Avery could deal with her mom being such a tough case, but when it came to her dad, she couldn’t stand the look of disappointment on his face when she screwed up.  He was her rock, and pillow to soften the blow of moms’ sentencing. Derek McFadden was her hero. Tall, dark and handsome….”for a parent” she thought wryly. Dad was as honest as the day was long. If there really were Christians out there, her dad was the real dealio.
Not like Bryan’s dad, the deacon; who always seemed to twist things around to make it seem right. She had to give her parents credit for something, Bryan’s dad was creepy. They were wrong about Bryan though. He was gorgeous and smart. Captain of the football team, he could have any girl at school he wanted, and he wanted ME. He was a real life Thor in the flesh. Mom said “he wants something you shouldn’t give Avery. You’re a lovely young lady and deserve respect. Boys like him only want one thing, and then they’ll be done with you and move on to the next girl. He isn’t a nice boy”….”NICE?” dude! He was nice, and handsome and so…so…perfect! Mom was totally wrong!
“And now I’m freaking grounded!” yelling once again, hoping her parents would hear her loud and clear from the kitchen.
“I’ve got to get outta here! But how?”  
A light tapping on her door, Avery looked over at the closed entrance to her room. “They can all go pound salt for all I care!” keeping those thoughts locked inside of her brain and not onto her tongue…that would mean forever shackled to this room!
“Avery?” her dad said softly. “Av? Can you hear me hon?”  “Crap!” she thought. Dad always called her Av, sounded like Abe, but with a V. Calling her Av always made her calm and feel…well, feel loved. Like being wrapped in a down blanket on a wintry day by the fire. Dad could always soothe her fears and keep her from completely going berserk; unlike her mother who was always preaching to her about Jesus and His love, and getting saved; all that Christian stuff. Didn’t her mom know she wasn’t interested in Jesus right now. She had plenty of time to think about Christianity. Maybe when she got older and life was almost over, she might. Whatever. It always made her upset when Mrs. Susan McFadden would make her feel like she was always going to hell for something. Mom was Miss Perfect! Never said a bad word in her life probably!
Tap tap, “Av?”, “yeah dad I’m here.” Her staunch resolve melting for the bazillionth time, she opened the door to find her dad smiling that perfect smile of his. Reaching his arms to her, he pulled her into a big hug. “C’mon, let’s go have some of those cookies your mom has been slaving over”, kissing her on the forehead and down the hall they went. “I love you dad, but this is far from over!” she thought as she put her arm around the only hero that walked the earth…well, except Bryan of course.
To be continued......

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Arena - Monua Cary Copyright 2013

As I mentioned awhile back, I am writing a "blog story" will show up in pieces but I am having fun writing. Pardon the grammatical errors, it's storytelling, not english class LOL!



The concrete was cold and hard, pebbles were burrowing into the soft skin of her back and arms. The discomfort was nothing compared to the pain from her swollen and bruised jaw, thanks to Bryan, her so-called best friend and ally.
What day is it? Time? How long has it been since....It was holiday season wasn't it? A time when families came together in love and lots of great food. When moms and dads, "oh God I miss them" Avery anguished, would tell stories and bring presents. She could smell the cookies in the oven, and her mouth watered at the thought. When was the last time she ate? It's been days? A flashback of dad smiling while he served his famous cocoa. The warmth from the fireplace that separated the living room from the kitchen. Okay, mom had that awful Christmas music blaring; "what I would give to go back to that moment". With her Bible in one hand and a cookie in the other, mom would sit us down in the living room and read the Christmas Story to her and Katie, the little blonde haired cherub who called her "her big Sissie". The tree was fabulous. One of those pine trees that stood majestic above all others, painstakingly decorated by her and her family. The ceiling in the living room was 20 feet and the tree, Angel at the top, almost touched it. There must have been a couple of hundred ornaments and a thousand lights, all alight as if to shout the Glory of the Season. It was a time of being thankful for God's Provision mom said. A time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the One Who came to save His people from their sins.
"Yeah right, You took my family from me" the tears fell freely down her cheeks. Shaken out of her vision of past happiness by the rattling of keys, Avery was torn back to reality.
She felt very cold, not from the room, but from the terror you felt when a predator was about. The hair stands up on your body and your stomach tightens and nausea threatens to take over.
Feeling alone and very vulnerable, she looked up at the ceiling, "why can't I feel you now?" "hopeless, you don't exist do You?" as she shook her head.
"No, He doesn't Avery", a voice crackled from the speaker mounted in the wall on the other side of the room. "Avery, we can help you. Forget about that Bible stuff. You can be free, just say the word. Your mom and dad would be proud of you". "Bryan? Bryan is that you?". Barely able to sit up due to lack of sleep and food, she sat upright with a start. She'd kill Bryan if she could.
"No, it's daddy". This time she bolted to her feet and hobbled as quickly as her bruised body would allow til she stood directly underneath the black speaker box. DADDY! Is it true? Maybe he was here to rescue her from this hell! Maybe God missed him or left him on earth to whisk her away to safety!
Could it be?